Tuesday, January 31, 2017


recently, in the recommended for you's section of, you all know who & where's spot, I accidentally clicked on a video speaking about '360' in music. i have had no previous data on this section of the three-sixty mentionings. as I stated before, when I first created this business named 360MobileNotary, there was a whole different thought for that period of time there. now that I have briefly overviewed these terms 'bout that '360' , the site already includes links to portals of information assisting with data on what that's 'bout ....

anyweighs ....

there are so many industrial genres of '360' on & within this earth's plan e.

. excitedly researching .... and I'll get back on when my own internal gives it a "go!" lol. thanks for your time reading.

here's a quick playlist for dots like you and me that may have been 'out tha loop', purposed or not. lol.

& here's a collaborational (adding on) link for a being to assist with the message on the playlist. if interested, there it is, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFAy6qqwej_b3aY11T1yBJZJAZcCeQb8q&jct=QiOv_VTd8pEtsd5mDwpkWVrkqTsh8g

O, and by the way, if any one's company, person or body has ever received marketing mail from '360MobileNotary' it wasn't me. I have not sent any marketing mail to anyone, yet. I've received spam mail from my own box & name, and if anyone can explain this matter in detail - please email 360mobilenotary@gmail directly. 

Online Flash Mobs & Bullying Spam Inbox Dealings, You name It, I've been hacked, too. so, ....

anyweighs .... 

From What I've Gathered Up 'Til This Point 

The Top Concerns in Cyber's '360's' ~ Protection, Are Of The Hardware's Software's . 

& It's So Cloudy! lol. write later . 

Thursday, January 19, 2017


The structure of it is what it is. There is no way around actually having to think and read about tabs of data leading to topics of concern, which are included in the tools and features pool, that are what?, thankfully available! Anyway. 


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